We are able to finish banners for you to your specified size, ie hem and eyelet, pockets etc. Our method is to cut banners to size plus about 30mm for turnover. Banners are then stitched on the outer edge leaving the fold of extra material underneath for extra thickness for the eyelet. Using outside stitching means that you don’t get a stitch line 30mm into your banner all round. Prices start from 40p a foot around the circumference, eg a 5 mt x 1 mt banner would have a circumference of 12 mt, (12 x 1.15 = £13.80). All prices are exclusive of vat.
Large banners that need to be joined together eg. 5mt x 3mt which comes in two pieces [2 @ 1.5mt x 5mt ] will be high frequency welded together along the 5mt sides. The join size is 1cm.